Meals On Us PDX is a BIPOC 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization based in Portland, Oregon.

It was founded in 2020 to provide nutritious meals, at no cost, to individuals experiencing hunger and food insecurity within our community as a response to the global pandemic. We believe that food is a basic human right and that everyone, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, or economic circumstances, deserve to have reliable and consistent food sources.

We are committed to doing everything we can to fill the gaps in our food system and prioritize serving marginalized communities that are most in need. We create and distribute over 400 free meals per week with our Free Fridge program, over 300 meals per week distributed directly to people in need, as well as over 1,600 meals per week to shelters run by our community partners.

Volunteer with us!

Interested in volunteering to help feed our community? Check out our sign up links below! We have plenty of volunteer driver routes to our community partners as we all as kitchen support with our staff!

Have a couple questions about our program? Send us a message here

We are a small and scrappy group working hard to feed as many people as possible, but we can’t do it without help.

We are reaching out to our community to ask to help us pay the cost of our pass-throughs. Pass-throughs come in the form of a large bill at the end of a year, and it’s hard for a small group such as ours to raise this money alone. With your help, we are hoping to raise $25,000 to cover this bill. We’ve witnessed the power of grassroots community organizing and fundraising, and we hope you will aid us in accomplishing this goal to keep this community kitchen open and thriving.


June 24, 2023

Announcing our first annual Gender Re-Meal: A Trans Meal Train Fundraiser benefiting MealsOnUsPDX.

We are so excited to welcome y’all to Cafe Olli on June 24th for our big, gay party. We will have small bites from the MOUPDX Chefs, a lively DJ, drinks available for purchase, meal recipient testimonials, and an online silent auction. Free entry with suggested donation toward our Trans Meal Train Program.

Our online auction will have many prize packages from near and far. There is still time to donate gift cards, goods or services if you’d like to contribute to feeding the Trans Community in Portland Oregon. Send us an email at

Can’t stop by? Feel free to donate to our Venmo @mealsonuspdx. Make sure to leave a note with “Trans Meal Train” or “TMT” so we can add your contribution to the fundraising total.


Our phone line and email are monitored Monday through Friday 9:00am-5:00pm only.

Feel free to contact us with any questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

(503) 895-2195